Reduce puffiness and inflammation. Amazing option for those dealing with acne concerns.
If not already included in your facial service, this is a great addition to ensure the cleanliness of pores and aid in acne treatment.
This machine creates an ultrasonic exfoliation and microcurrent that boots product depth, removes blackheads, and smooths fine lines.
This mask-type layer is left on the skin for additional depth of exfoliation as well as lightening dark spots, healing wounds, and other antibacterial effects.
This is a concentrated hyaluronic serum that provides the skin with health and healing, as well as volumizing the skin while minimizing the appearance of fine lines.
Enhance almost any of our facial treatments with a physical jelly mask. These masks are great for deeply cooling the skin, reducing inflammation, and product penetration.
A facial massage and rejuvenation that lifts, defines, depuffs, decreases tension, and helps with sinus pressure. (COMING SOON)
Treats acne, wrinkles and pain. This delivers blue, red, and near-infared light to boost your facial treatment (COMING SOON)